
    room [3] 
    thing [15] 
            player's holdall  
        backdrop [2]  
        person [3]  
            man [1] 
        detailer [1]  
    direction [12] 
    truth state 
    indexed text 
    stored action 
    list of 
    conversation exiting [E1] 
    chat node [E1] 
    activatedness [E1] 
    library message id [E2] 
    tense [E2] 
    grammatical number [E2] 
    grammatical person [E2] 
    gender [E2] 
    letter case [E2] 

What are kinds? ; Kinds of value 

room (plural rooms)
Represents geographical locations, both indoor and outdoor, which are not necessarily areas in a building. A player in one room is mostly unable to sense, or interact with, anything in a different room. Rooms are arranged in a map.
Usually lighted not dark, unvisited not visited.
Can have description (some text), printed name (some text), map region (the name of an object).
Introduction , Lake of Boiling Magma , In a Cage above the Magma 

thing (plural things)
Represents anything interactive in the model world that is not a room. People, pieces of scenery, furniture, doors and mislaid umbrellas might all be examples, and so might more surprising things like the sound of birdsong or a shaft of sunlight.
Usually unlit not lit, inedible not edible, portable not fixed in place, singular-named not plural-named, improper-named not proper-named, described not undescribed, unmarked for listing not marked for listing, mentioned not unmentioned, neuter, ordinarily enumerated not ambiguously plural.
Usually not scenery, wearable, pushable between rooms, handled, initially carried.
Can have description (some text), printed name (some text), indefinite article (some text), initial appearance (some text), printed plural name (some text), matching key (the name of an object), badness (a number).
Library_message_debug [E2], I7_LibraryMessages [E2], mountains , patterns , cage , hot currents of air , bars , Hope , whispered words 

door, a kind of thing (plural doors) 
Represents a conduit joining two rooms, most often a door or gate but sometimes a plank bridge, a slide or a hatchway. Usually visible and operable from both sides (for instance if you write 'The blue door is east of the Ballroom and west of the Garden.'), but sometimes only one-way (for instance if you write 'East of the Ballroom is the long slide. Through the long slide is the cellar.').
Always fixed in place not portable.
Usually closed not open, openable not unopenable, unlocked not locked.
Usually not lockable.
Never pushable between rooms.
Can have other side (the name of an object).

container, a kind of thing (plural containers)
Represents something into which portable things can be put, such as a teachest or a handbag. Something with a really large immobile interior, such as the Albert Hall, had better be a room instead.
Usually opaque not transparent, open not closed, unopenable not openable, unlocked not locked.
Usually not enterable, lockable.
Can have carrying capacity (a number).

vehicle, a kind of container (plural vehicles) 
Represents a container large enough for a person to enter, and which can then move between rooms at the driver's instruction. (If a supporter is needed instead, try the extension Rideable Vehicles by Graham Nelson.)
Always enterable.
Usually fixed in place not portable.

player's holdall, a kind of container (plural player's holdalls) 
Represents a container which the player can carry around as a sort of rucksack, into which spare items are automatically stowed away.
Always portable not fixed in place.
Usually openable not unopenable.

supporter, a kind of thing (plural supporters)
Represents a surface on which things can be placed, such as a table.
Usually fixed in place not portable.
Usually not enterable.
Can have carrying capacity (a number).

backdrop, a kind of thing (plural backdrops) 
Represents an aspect of the landscape or architecture which extends across more than one room: for instance, a stream, the sky or a long carpet.
Always fixed in place not portable.
Usually scenery.
here-backdrop , speaker 

person, a kind of thing (plural people) 
Despite the name, not necessarily a human being, but anything animate enough to envisage having a conversation with, or bartering with.
Usually male not female.
Usually not neuter.
Can have carrying capacity (a number).
yourself, Prisoner 

man, a kind of person (plural men)
Represents a man or boy.
Always male not female.
Never neuter.

woman, a kind of person (plural women)
Represents a woman or girl.
Always female not male.
Never neuter.

animal, a kind of person (plural animals)
Represents an animal, or at any rate a non-human living creature reasonably large and possible to interact with: a giant Venus fly-trap might qualify, but not a patch of lichen.

device, a kind of thing (plural devices) 
Represents a machine or contrivance of some kind which can be switched on or off.
Usually switched off not switched on.

detailer, a kind of thing (plural detailers) 
Always scenery.
Can have current room description text (some text), detailed room description text (some text).

direction (plural directions)
Represents a direction of movement, such as northeast or down.
Usually unmarked for listing not marked for listing.
Can have opposite (direction).
north, northeast, northwest, south, southeast, southwest, east, west, up, down, inside, outside

region (plural regions)

number (plural numbers)
Whole number in the range -32768, -32767, ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 32767: small numbers can be written textually as 'one', 'two', 'three', ..., 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve'. (A much larger number range is allowed if we compile the source to Glulx rather than the Z-machine: see the Settings panel.)

time (plural times) 
A time of day, written in the form '2:34 AM' or '12:51 PM', or a length of time such as '10 minutes' or '3 hours 31 minutes', which must be between 0 minutes and 23 hours 59 minutes inclusive.

text (plural texts)
Some text in double quotation marks, perhaps with substitutions written in square brackets.

snippet (plural snippets)

object (plural objects)

description (plural descriptions)

rule (plural rules)

rulebook (plural rulebooks)

action-name (plural action-names)

scene (plural scenes)

table-name (plural table-names)

figure-name (plural figure-names)

external-file (plural external-files)

truth state (plural truth states)
The state of whether something is 'true' or 'false'.

indexed text (plural indexed texts)
A flexible-length form of text which can be internally altered and searched. Inform automatically changes text to this format when necessary.

stored action (plural stored actions)
A stored action, which can later be tried.

list of (plural lists of)
A flexible-length list of values.

conversation exiting [E1] (plural conversation exitings [E1])
One of the following: player may exit upon zero, player may not exit

chat node [E1] (plural chat nodes [E1])
One of the following: no quip chosen, c_Helper_1, c_Helper_2, c_Helper_3, c_Helper_4, c_Faces_1, c_Faces_2, c_Faces_3, c_Faces_4, c_Faces_5, c_Faces_6, c_Questions_1, c_Questions_2, c_Questions_3, c_Questions_4, c_Questions_5, c_Questions_6, c_Questions_7, c_Questions_8, c_Questions_9, c_Questions_10, c_Questions_11, c_Questions_12, c_Questions_13, c_Questions_14, c_Questions_15, c_Questions_16, c_Questions_17, c_Questions_18, c_Questions_19, c_Questions_20, c_Questions_21, c_TakeControl_2, c_TakeControl_3, c_TakeControl_4, c_TakeControl_5, c_TakeControl_6, c_TakeControl_7, c_TakeControl_8, c_TakeControl_9, c_samael_first_1, c_samael_first_2, c_samael_first_3, c_samael_first_4, c_samael_first_5, c_samael_first_6, c_samael_first_7, c_samael_first_8, c_samael_first_9, c_samael_first_10, c_samael_first_11, c_samael_first_12, c_samael_first_13, c_samael_first_14, c_samael_first_15

activatedness [E1] (plural activatednesses)
One of the following: quip on

library message id [E2] (plural library message ids [E2])
One of the following: LibMsg <you have died>, LibMsg <you have won>, LibMsg <player self description>, LibMsg <unimportant object>, LibMsg <empty line>, LibMsg <confirm Quit>, LibMsg <yes or no prompt>, LibMsg <restrict answer>, LibMsg <page prompt>, LibMsg <menu prompt>, LibMsg <comment recorded>, LibMsg <comment not recorded>, LibMsg <undo succeeded>, LibMsg <undo failed>, LibMsg <undo not provided>, LibMsg <cannot undo nothing>, LibMsg <cannot undo twice in a row>, LibMsg <undo forbidden>, LibMsg <oops failed>, LibMsg <oops too many arguments>, LibMsg <oops no arguments>, LibMsg <cannot do again>, LibMsg <again usage>, LibMsg <command not understood>, LibMsg <command partly understood>, LibMsg <command badly ended>, LibMsg <command incomplete>, LibMsg <command cut short>, LibMsg <number not understood>, LibMsg <cannot begin at comma>, LibMsg <extra words before comma>, LibMsg <unknown object>, LibMsg <object not held>, LibMsg <unknown verb>, LibMsg <verb cannot have inanimate object>, LibMsg <noun needed>, LibMsg <noun not needed>, LibMsg <object needed>, LibMsg <object not needed>, LibMsg <second object needed>, LibMsg <second object not needed>, LibMsg <second noun needed>, LibMsg <second noun not needed>, LibMsg <something more substantial needed>, LibMsg <verb cannot have multiple objects>, LibMsg <too many multiple objects>, LibMsg <not that many available>, LibMsg <no objects available>, LibMsg <zero multiple objects>, LibMsg <first N objects>, LibMsg <excepted object not included anyway>, LibMsg <report implicit take>, LibMsg <report npc implicit take>, LibMsg <implicitly pass outwards through other barriers>, LibMsg <implicitly pass inwards through other barriers>, LibMsg <cannot drop clothes being worn>, LibMsg <cannot insert clothes being worn>, LibMsg <cannot put clothes being worn>, LibMsg <cannot exceed carrying capacity>, LibMsg <use holdall to avoid exceeding carrying capacity>, LibMsg <cannot insert if this exceeds carrying capacity>, LibMsg <cannot put if this exceeds carrying capacity>, LibMsg <who disambiguation>, LibMsg <which disambiguation>, LibMsg <whom disambiguation>, LibMsg <what disambiguation>, LibMsg <single object disambiguation>, LibMsg <pronoun not set>, LibMsg <pronoun absent>, LibMsg <Pronouns initial text>, LibMsg <Pronouns -means- text>, LibMsg <Pronouns -unset- text>, LibMsg <no pronouns known>, LibMsg <person ignores command>, LibMsg <cannot talk to absent person>, LibMsg <cannot talk to inanimate object>, LibMsg <npc unable to do that>, LibMsg <confirm Restart>, LibMsg <Restart failed>, LibMsg <Restore failed>, LibMsg <Restore succeeded>, LibMsg <Save failed>, LibMsg <Save succeeded>, LibMsg <Verify succeeded>, LibMsg <Verify failed>, LibMsg <transcript already on>, LibMsg <transcript already off>, LibMsg <start of transcript>, LibMsg <end of transcript>, LibMsg <transcript failed>, LibMsg <end transcript failed>, LibMsg <Score command>, LibMsg <score changed>, LibMsg <score notification turned on>, LibMsg <score notification turned off>, LibMsg <no scoring>, LibMsg <score rank>, LibMsg <report npc taking inventory>, LibMsg <Inventory initial text>, LibMsg <Inventory no possessions>, LibMsg <entering darkness>, LibMsg <dark description>, LibMsg <examine while dark>, LibMsg <search while dark>, LibMsg <look under while dark>, LibMsg <dark room name>, LibMsg <report player taking>, LibMsg <report npc taking>, LibMsg <cannot take yourself>, LibMsg <cannot take other people>, LibMsg <cannot take something you are within>, LibMsg <cannot take something already taken>, LibMsg <cannot take possessions of others>, LibMsg <cannot take component parts>, LibMsg <cannot take hidden parts>, LibMsg <cannot reach within closed containers>, LibMsg <cannot take scenery>, LibMsg <cannot take something fixed>, LibMsg <cannot reach within other places>, LibMsg <report player removing>, LibMsg <report npc removing>, LibMsg <cannot remove from closed containers>, LibMsg <cannot remove something not within>, LibMsg <report player dropping>, LibMsg <report npc dropping>, LibMsg <cannot drop something already dropped>, LibMsg <cannot drop not holding>, LibMsg <cannot drop if this exceeds carrying capacity>, LibMsg <report player inserting>, LibMsg <report npc inserting>, LibMsg <cannot insert something not held>, LibMsg <cannot insert into something not a container>, LibMsg <cannot insert into closed containers>, LibMsg <need to take off before inserting>, LibMsg <cannot insert something into itself>, LibMsg <report player putting on>, LibMsg <report npc putting on>, LibMsg <cannot put something not held>, LibMsg <cannot put something on it-self>, LibMsg <cannot put onto something not a supporter>, LibMsg <cannot put onto something being carried>, LibMsg <report player giving>, LibMsg <report npc giving to player>, LibMsg <report npc giving to npc>, LibMsg <cannot give what you have not got>, LibMsg <cannot give to yourself>, LibMsg <block giving>, LibMsg <unable to receive things>, LibMsg <cannot show what you have not got>, LibMsg <block showing>, LibMsg <report player entering>, LibMsg <report npc entering>, LibMsg <cannot enter something already entered>, LibMsg <cannot enter something not enterable>, LibMsg <cannot enter closed containers>, LibMsg <cannot enter something carried>, LibMsg <report player exiting>, LibMsg <report npc exiting>, LibMsg <cannot exit when not within anything>, LibMsg <cannot exit closed containers>, LibMsg <cannot get off things>, LibMsg <cannot exit thing not within>, LibMsg <cannot go that way>, LibMsg <cannot travel in something not a vehicle>, LibMsg <cannot go through concealed doors>, LibMsg <cannot go up through closed doors>, LibMsg <cannot go down through closed doors>, LibMsg <cannot go through closed doors>, LibMsg <nothing through door>, LibMsg <block vaguely going>, LibMsg <say npc goes>, LibMsg <say npc arrives>, LibMsg <say npc arrives from unknown direction>, LibMsg <say npc arrives at>, LibMsg <say npc goes through>, LibMsg <say npc arrives from>, LibMsg <say npc vehicle>, LibMsg <say npc pushing in front with player>, LibMsg <say npc pushing in front>, LibMsg <say npc pushing away>, LibMsg <say npc pushing in>, LibMsg <say npc taking player along>, LibMsg <brief look mode>, LibMsg <superbrief look mode>, LibMsg <verbose look mode>, LibMsg <report npc looking>, LibMsg <top line what on>, LibMsg <top line what in>, LibMsg <top line what as>, LibMsg <say things within>, LibMsg <say things also within>, LibMsg <say things on>, LibMsg <report npc examining>, LibMsg <examine undescribed things>, LibMsg <examine direction>, LibMsg <examine devices>, LibMsg <report npc searching>, LibMsg <cannot search unless container or supporter>, LibMsg <cannot search closed opaque containers>, LibMsg <nothing found within container>, LibMsg <nothing found on top of>, LibMsg <report npc looking under>, LibMsg <look under>, LibMsg <report player opening>, LibMsg <report npc opening>, LibMsg <report unseen npc opening>, LibMsg <cannot open unless openable>, LibMsg <cannot open something locked>, LibMsg <cannot open something already open>, LibMsg <reveal any newly visible exterior initial text>, LibMsg <no newly visible exterior>, LibMsg <report player closing>, LibMsg <report npc closing>, LibMsg <report unseen npc closing>, LibMsg <cannot close unless openable>, LibMsg <cannot close something already closed>, LibMsg <report player locking>, LibMsg <report npc locking>, LibMsg <cannot lock without a lock>, LibMsg <cannot lock something already locked>, LibMsg <cannot lock something open>, LibMsg <cannot lock without the correct key>, LibMsg <report player unlocking>, LibMsg <report npc unlocking>, LibMsg <cannot unlock without a lock>, LibMsg <cannot unlock something already unlocked>, LibMsg <cannot unlock without the correct key>, LibMsg <report player switching on>, LibMsg <report npc switching on>, LibMsg <cannot switch on unless switchable>, LibMsg <cannot switch on something already on>, LibMsg <report player switching off>, LibMsg <report npc switching off>, LibMsg <cannot switch off unless switchable>, LibMsg <cannot switch off something already off>, LibMsg <report player wearing>, LibMsg <report npc wearing>, LibMsg <cannot wear something not clothing>, LibMsg <cannot wear not holding>, LibMsg <cannot wear something already worn>, LibMsg <report player taking off>, LibMsg <report npc taking off>, LibMsg <cannot take off something not worn>, LibMsg <report player eating>, LibMsg <report npc eating>, LibMsg <cannot eat unless edible>, LibMsg <block drinking>, LibMsg <block tasting>, LibMsg <block smelling>, LibMsg <block listening>, LibMsg <report player touching things>, LibMsg <report npc touching things>, LibMsg <report player touching self>, LibMsg <report npc touching self>, LibMsg <report player touching other people>, LibMsg <report npc touching other people>, LibMsg <block saying yes>, LibMsg <block saying no>, LibMsg <block saying sorry>, LibMsg <block swearing obscenely>, LibMsg <block swearing mildly>, LibMsg <block climbing>, LibMsg <block jumping>, LibMsg <block swinging>, LibMsg <block waving hands>, LibMsg <block attacking>, LibMsg <block burning>, LibMsg <block cutting>, LibMsg <block rubbing>, LibMsg <block setting to>, LibMsg <block tying>, LibMsg <report player waving things>, LibMsg <report npc waving things>, LibMsg <cannot wave something not held>, LibMsg <squeezing people>, LibMsg <report player squeezing>, LibMsg <report npc squeezing>, LibMsg <block throwing at>, LibMsg <throw at inanimate object>, LibMsg <report player pushing>, LibMsg <report npc pushing>, LibMsg <report player pulling>, LibMsg <report npc pulling>, LibMsg <report player turning>, LibMsg <report npc turning>, LibMsg <block pushing in directions>, LibMsg <not pushed in a direction>, LibMsg <pushed in illegal direction>, LibMsg <cannot push something fixed in place>, LibMsg <cannot pull something fixed in place>, LibMsg <cannot turn something fixed in place>, LibMsg <cannot push scenery>, LibMsg <cannot pull scenery>, LibMsg <cannot turn scenery>, LibMsg <cannot push people>, LibMsg <cannot pull people>, LibMsg <cannot turn people>, LibMsg <block answering>, LibMsg <block asking>, LibMsg <block buying>, LibMsg <block kissing>, LibMsg <block singing>, LibMsg <block telling>, LibMsg <telling yourself>, LibMsg <block thinking>, LibMsg <block player consulting>, LibMsg <block npc consulting>, LibMsg <block sleeping>, LibMsg <block waking up>, LibMsg <block waking other>, LibMsg <report player waiting>, LibMsg <report npc waiting>

tense [E2] (plural tenses)
One of the following: past tense, present tense

grammatical number [E2] (plural grammatical numbers [E2])
One of the following: singular, plural

grammatical person [E2] (plural grammatical persons [E2])
One of the following: first person, second person, third person

gender [E2] (plural genders)
One of the following: gender masculine, gender feminine, gender neuter

letter case [E2] (plural letter cases [E2])
One of the following: lower-case, upper-case

If we create a variable, by writing, for instance, 'Zero hour is a time that varies', and do not tell Inform what value it starts out with (say, adding 'Zero hour is 11:21 PM.') then Inform uses the following table to decide the initial value. The same applies if we create a property (for instance, 'A person has a number called lucky number.'). Kinds of value not included in the table cannot be used in variables and properties.

kind of valuedefault value
number  0
time  9:00 AM
text  ""
snippet  word 1 of command
object  nothing
description  matching nothing
rule  the little-used do nothing rule
rulebook  the action-processing rules
action-name  waiting action
scene  the Entire Game
table-name  a table with no rows or columns
figure-name  figure of cover
external-file  value representing a non-file
truth state  false
indexed text  ""
stored action  waiting
list of  {}
conversation exiting [E1]  player may exit upon zero
chat node [E1]  no quip chosen
activatedness [E1]  quip on
library message id [E2]  LibMsg <you have died>
tense [E2]  past tense
grammatical number [E2]  singular
grammatical person [E2]  first person
gender [E2]  gender masculine
letter case [E2]  lower-case
thingthe player
other kinds of object  the first example created

[E1]. Defined in Simple Chat by Mark Tilford
[E2]. Defined in Custom Library Messages by David Fisher